What are the advantages of the step-servo motor instead of the stepper motor?
The SPEC of each type of motor includes parameters such as maximum static torque and motor inertia. Load torque and load inertia are related to each parameter. In selecting the motor, it is important to take into account the moving conditions of the loading mechanism, such as the speed of the acceleration, the weight of the mechanism, and the movement mode (horizontal, vertical, and rotation). As the inertia increases, the acceleration and deceleration torques must increase; as the acceleration and deceleration time decreases, the motor output torque increases. Some complex applications require step-servo motors rather than conventional open-loop stepper motors.
step-servo motor A step-servo motor represents an innovative evolution in the world of stepper motors. It combines stepper motors with servo technology to create a product with exceptional capabilities.
● Very tight position and velocity control for the most demanding applications. ● Robust servo loops that tolerate wide fluctuations in load inertia and frictional loading.
● Pre-defined tuning parameters for maximum control performance and stability. ● Easy selection list provides the level of control desired. ● In most cases, NO extra manual tuning is required.
● When performing fast point-to-point moves, the high torque output and advanced servo control provide a very responsive system far exceeding what can be done with a conventional stepper system.
● In full servo mode, all the available torque of the motor can be used. ● The motor can provide as much as 50% more torque in many applications. High torque capability often eliminates the need for gear reduction. ● Boost torque capability can provide as much as 50% more torque for short, quick moves.
● For difficult control situations where performing a precise move is necessary, the Quick Tuner provides an easy-to-use interface for performing and monitoring the motion profile. ● Many common parameters such as Actual Speed or Position Error can be monitored to evaluate system performance. ● The monitoring is interactive with the servo tuning capability so that optimum performance can be achieved.
But what are the advantages of step-servo motors instead of stepper motors?
A. Step-servo motor realizes position closed-loop control through the built-in high-resolution encoder. It has the characteristics of being easy to use, having no parameter setting, no chattering, anti-blocking, and so on. B. Step-servo motor can work 150% in short-term overload, which can adapt to high acceleration and deceleration applications. C. The step-servo motor controller supports multiple control modes and implements multi-axis network communication through SCL commands, Modbus, CANopen, eSCL commands, EtherNet/IP, or EtherCAT protocols.What is a step-servo motor?

Closed Loop

Easy Tuning

Fast Response

High Torque

Motion Monitoring